To inspire Europe: insights from the success story of social democracy in Spain (Prague)

FEPS is particularly thrilled to hold a reflection session in Prague upon the invitation of […]

00:00 - 00:00
To inspire Europe: insights from the success story of social democracy in Spain (Prague)

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FEPS is particularly thrilled to hold a reflection session in Prague upon the invitation of our Czech colleagues of Masarykova Democraticka Academy and in cooperation with Pablo Iglesias Foundation of Spain. Their joint initiative resulted in putting together a group of experts to debate possible lessons from Spain and the meaning of the electoral victory of Pedro Sanchez PSOE for the rest of the EU social democrats. It is of a strategic relevance to speak about that in the capital of Czech Republic, where progressives most unfortunately have just noted a new low and as many comrades in the region are looking for a new kind of a sparkle of hope.

The discussion will be kicked off by Jorge Galindo, PhD Scholar from University of Ginebra, who will present a paper that he wrote specifically for this occasion. His deliberations will be further contextualised by an input deriving from the research of Professor Andre Krouwel from Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam and Kieskompas NL. The event has a closed character, as hosted by His Excellency Spanish Embassador Ángel Lossada. On the side of the partnering organisations it will be opened and steered by: Beatriz Corredor, MP and Director of Pablo Iglesias Foundation; Vladimir Spidla, Chair of MDA, former Prime Minister and former EU Commissioner; as also Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Senior Research Fellow respectively.

Further information can be opiated from: Elena Gil, FEPS New Media Advisor at

Fundación Pablo Iglesias
Masarykova Demokraticka Akademie (MDA)
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