2020 Progressive Governance Digital Summit

The 2020 Progressive Governance Digital Summit, co-hosted by FEPS, brought together more than 100 international speakers, […]

15 - 19/06/2020
00:00 - 00:00
2020 Progressive Governance Digital Summit

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The 2020 Progressive Governance Digital Summit, co-hosted by FEPS, brought together more than 100 international speakers, who exchanged ideas and developed concepts for change in more than 30 sessions. Decision makers of today and tomorrow from governments and parliaments, political advisers and strategists, next-generation thought leaders from civil society, social movements, social partners and academia met online between 15 and 19 June 2020 to discuss shared visions of what a post-Covid-19 world should and could look like.

Join the international progressive community and co-create a vision of solidarity, well-being and new democratic legitimacy for the post-COVID-19 world!

There is currently great uncertainty about the social, economic and political consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. A return to “normality” as we know it appears unlikely. It is clear that the dynamics of the crisis will create a different world with different futures for individuals, communities and places. This crisis has revealed the structural weaknesses in our societies. As we move from crisis management to rebuilding the economy and society, momentum for change is growing. Until now, solutions to the crisis have been national instead of inter- or transnational, which has hindered much needed cooperation.

For progressives, this is the moment to come together and discuss shared visions on common solutions to the crisis. We believe that it is imperative for progressives to promote international solidarity in times of crisis: how to achieve it will be the central objective of #PGS20.


  •  Olaf Scholz, Federal Minister of Finance and Vice-Chancellor of Germany
  • Hubertus Heil, Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of Germany
  • Maria Ohisalo, Minister of the Interior of Finland, Chair of the Green Party of Finland
  • Neera Tanden, President, Center for American Progress
  • Dani Rodrik, Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy at Harvard University
  • Yascha Mounk, Author of “The People vs Democracy”, Associate Professor at the Johns Hopkins University

Among the partners involved in this initiative together with FEPS: Das Progressive Zentrum, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, the Party of European Socialists, the European Greens, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, RSA, the Heinrich Boll Stiftung, Arena Gruppen, Lalecki Foundation, the Broadbent Institute, Social Europe, the Centre for European Reform, Policy Solutions, and many others.

Broadbent Institute
Das Progressive Zentrum (DPZ)
Heinrich Böll Foundation
Party of European Socialists
Policy Solutions
Social Europe
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