FEPS-Fabian New Year’s Conference 2021: Rebuilding; Choices for the Left

Online – Saturday 16 January & Sunday 17 January This New Year’s conference takes place under […]

00:00 - 00:00
FEPS-Fabian New Year’s Conference 2021: Rebuilding; Choices for the Left

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Online – Saturday 16 January & Sunday 17 January

This New Year’s conference takes place under the continued shadow of the pandemic and will be held online for the first time. We will be meeting at a moment when the left in the UK and across Europe needs to look to the future, after Covid-19 and after Brexit. The conference will consider the policies that are needed to transform our society, economy and politics and seek a fresh vision for tackling the climate crisis and building a new partnership between the EU and UK.

The leader of the Labour Party, Keir Starmer MP, is confirmed as keynote speaker, alongside many others from the Shadow cabinet in the UK and other speakers from across Europe.

This annual joint conference sets the political debates for the new year and gathers a large and diverse audience together with high-level speakers.


For more information and registration follow this link


 Crisis and Recovery: the left’s economic alternative

#10 FEPS COVID Response Paper: Recovering from the pandemic: an appraisal of lessons learned by Professor Joseph Stiglitz

#8 FEPS COVID Response Paper: Saving jobs and protecting incomes: from national schemes to a European double safety net by László Andor, Fernando Rejón Sánchez and Lukas Hochscheidt

Read the full series of FEPS COVID Response Papers

Time to care! Work, life and inequality in the care economy. By Robert Sweeney and Laeticia Thissen

Climate Emergency

The People’s Transition: Community-led development for Climate Justice. By Sean McCabe

United for Climate Justice. Policy Paper with Declaration and Guiding Proposals for Progressive Climate Action

FEPS article series on intergenerational solidarity and climate justice

FEPS-IEEP Policy Paper Green Dear for All – How to achieve sustainability and equity between the people, regions, countries and generations of Europe in a post-COVID-19 era

How to boost the European Green Deal’s scale and ambition by Rafael Wildauer, Stuart Leitch, Jakob Kapeller

Public Services

Public Services Futures: Welfare States in the Digital Age, book published jointly by FEPS and the Fabian Society in April 2020

Workers and technology 2020

A Progressive Approach to Digital Tech – Taking Charge of Europe’s Digital Future. Joint publication by FEPS and SAMAK

Progressive Post

Budging beyond Brexit. Progressive Page by Roger Liddle, Chairperson of Policy Network, Labour member of the House of Lord and Pro-Chancellor of the University of Lancaster

Portugal’s presidency: to heal Europe. Progressive Page by László Andor, FEPS Secretary General

The European Union on better tracks, but… Progressive Page by Maria João Rodrigues

Lessons of the American election for Europe and the world. Progressive Page by Joseph Stiglitz

Progressive Observatory US Elections Articles by Vivien A. Schmidt, Rick Smith, Knut Dethlefsen, Dimitris Tsarouhas, John Halping, Michael Kennedy, Layla Zaidane, José Irán Moreno Santos, James Lamond

FEPS Talks Podcast Series

#17 FEPS Talks: How to finance a Green New Deal. FEPS Talks podcast episode with British Economist Ann Pettifor and László Andor, FEPS Secretary General.

#22 FEPS Talks The Condition of the Working Class in England. FEPS Talks podcast episode with Frances O’Grady and General Secretary of the British Trades Union Congress (TUC), and László Andor, FEPS Secretary General

#40 FEPS Talks: Tracking populism and the far right. FEPS Talks podcast episode with Dr. Daphne Halikiopoulou, Associate Professor at the at the University of Reading, and László Andor, FEPS Secretary General

#54 FEPS Talks: Protests in Poland: another clash or the beginning of a transformation? FEPS Talks podcast episode with Dr. Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bak, Polish MP “Left Coalition” Group, and Dr. Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Reasearch and Training

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