Social and Affordable Housing policy in Europe and Czechia


00:00 - 00:00
Social and Affordable Housing policy in Europe and Czechia

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Hybrid conference, Monday, 13 December 2021.

As many as 350,000 Czech households are burdened with excessive housing costs and almost 200,000 Czech households are in danger of losing their housing – says the 2021 Report on Housing Exclusion.

This event was dedicated to the presentation of the policy study Concrete Actions for Social and Affordable Housing in the EU. It analyses and evaluates housing policies in selected EU regions and shows good practices on the path towards more affordable housing, as well as the examples to avoid. It also offers some specific policy proposals, at the regional, national and European levels, which could be inspiring in the current Czech situation.

Following an introduction by Laszlo Andor, the policy study was presented by Sergio Nasarre-Aznar and Nuria Lambea-Llop. The event then hosted a European panel with Sorcha Edwards, Petr Dolínek, Tomáš Hoření Samec, Jan Klusáček and Lucia Štasselová, looking also at Czech housing issues.

The Czech summary of the report is available here and the English original may be downloaded here.

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Masarykova Demokraticka Akademie (MDA)
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