Kalevi Sorsa Foundation

Kalevi Sorsa Foundation is a social democratic think tank based in Helsinki, Finland. The foundation’s objective is to promote public debate on equality and democracy and to produce research and publications. The foundation’s work proceeds from the ideas of social democracy; we ask how freedom, equality, and solidarity can be realised in public policy today and tomorrow.

The think tank’s activities take place at the intersection of research, politics, and decision-making. The foundation publishes studies and reports, organises events, and participates in different ways in the public discussion.

The foundation was established in 2005 and it carries the name of Kalevi Sorsa, social democratic statesman and long-time prime minister of Finland.

Find all publications by Kalevi Sorsa Foundation

Algorithmic management in traditional workplaces

Case studies on the impact of algorithmic technologies in seven sectors in the Nordics

Computer in command

Digital Programme: Algorithms at the workplace

Algorithms by and for the workers

Digital Programme: Algorithms at the workplace

Employment terms of platform workers

Digital Programme: Algorithms at the workplace
Find all events with Kalevi Sorsa Foundation
Brussels, Belgium

Capital and wealth taxation in the EU

Ways forward on the path for Social Justice
FEPS HQ, Brussels

The Social Transformation of Ukraine

Progressive insights on reconstruction and inclusion
Oslo, Norway

Algorithmic governance and the Norwegian model

Exploring the challenges and possibilities of workers’ organising vis-à-vis the digital
Find all news about Kalevi Sorsa Foundation

Joint statement by the Friends of the Western Balkans (FoWB) 


Friends of the Western Balkans’ statement


Call for tender – Research and analysis for the project “Progressive paths to rebuild Ukraine”

This call for tender closed on 26/09/2023
Find all in the media about Kalevi Sorsa Foundation
In the media

Ukrainas och Europas framtid diskuterades i Helsingfors

by Demokraatti 01/12/2023
'Future of Ukraine and Europe discussed in Helsinki' Demokraatti article about FEPS and Kalevi Sorsa Foundation event 'From Russia’s aggression to progressive recovery of Ukraine' held in Helsinki.
Find all audiovisual with Kalevi Sorsa Foundation

‘Computer in command’ Flickr album

‘Friends of the Western Balkans – Pristina’ Flickr album

‘Algorithms in the Workplace’ Flickr album