International tax policy at crossroads

FEPS Fringe event at the Tax Conference Veroareena

13:00 - 15:00
Helsinki, Finland
Helsinki Central Library Oodie Maijansali (Töölönlahdenkatu 4, Helsinki)
International tax policy at crossroads

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In collaboration with the Kalevi Sorsa Foundation, FEPS organises a fringe event on ‘International tax policy at crossroads’ at the third Tax Conference Veroareena 2025. 

Veroareena is a public annual tax policy conference for economic policy and tax specialists, policy-makers, researchers and others involved in tax policy, featuring topical research and tax policy discussions. 

The third edition of the conference will focus on the relationship between taxation and economic growth and the latest international trends in tax policy. 

FEPS’ panel discussion will kick off with a keynote presentation on the increasing role of the United Nations in international tax policy by Tax Policy and Advocacy Manager Tove Maria Ryding from the European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad). This will be followed by a presentation of the FEPS-Kalevi Sorsa policy study on taxation of capital income in Europe by Lauri Finér, Director of the Kalevi Sorsa Foundation and Niko Pankka, Head of Public Affairs at the  Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK). 


13.00 The international tax policy players and the increasing role of the United Nations – what are the impacts and opportunities for the Nordics? 
Tax Policy and Advocacy Manager Tove Maria Ryding, European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad).

13.30 Commentary remarks from perspective of Finnish Ministry of Finance
Senior Specialist Anna Lehtimäki, Ministry of Finance International Tax Affairs Unit.

followed by a Q&A with the audience

14.00 Presentation of new publication: Pääomatulojen verotus Euroopassa – tarvitaanko uusi minimivero? [Capital income taxation in Europe – do we need a new minimum tax?] 
Director Lauri Finér, Kalevi Sorsa Foundation. Head of public affairs, tax specialist Niko Pankka, Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK).

14.20 Commentary remarks and Q&A. 
Senior Fellow Timo Viherkenttä, Aalto University.

14.45 Coffee

The event will be live-streamed. Registrations for the conference are open here

For more information regarding this event, please do not hesitate to contact Anna Kolesnichenko, FEPS Policy Analyst on Economy ( and Vanessa Zwisele, FEPS Project Officer ( 

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