Call for tender – Research and analysis for the project “Progressive paths to rebuild Ukraine”

This call for tender closed on 26/09/2023


This tender has been completed

Basic Information


Research “In search of a ‘lost generation’. Harnessing youth potential for post-war recovery and transformation” in the framework of the project “Progressive paths to rebuild Ukraine”

1. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
2. Stichting Foundation Max van der Stoel For Democracy,
Development and Dialogue (FMS) 3. Foundation Amicus Europae
4. Fondation Jean-Jaurè
5. Renner Institute
6. Kalevi Sorsa Foundation


October – November 2023

Contracting organisation

FEPS (through service provision agreement)

FEPS together with its partners are looking for a research/expert for a contract running from 1st October 2023 to 30th of November 2023 to carry out research and analysis of policies and practices related to youth engagement in post-war recovery and transformation in the framework of the project “Progressive paths to rebuild Ukraine”.

The Call, therefore, presents itself as an excellent opportunity for those aspiring to gain professional experience working within a consortium of European progressive think tanks, allowing the successful candidate to augment her/his research experience, and offering an opportunity to produce know-how and elaborate on policy recommendations with a potential for high societal impact in the framework of (post)war recovery of Ukraine.


The research “In search of a ‘lost generation’. Harnessing youth potential for post-war recovery and transformation” is conceived to a project “Progressive paths to rebuild Ukraine. Through a gender-sensitive lens it will tackle the following questions (the list is indicatory and will be finalized in cooperation with the selected expert):

  1. Outlining elements of a strategy for promoting youth engagement in Ukraine to accelerate economic recovery after the war? Specific steps and potential challenges in such areas like youth entrepreneurship should be discussed.
  2. Drawing from international experiences, what policies and support mechanisms should the Ukrainian government implement to assist young war veterans in their reintegration into civilian life and the workforce?
  3. How can Ukraine harness the potential of youth-led initiatives and organizations to actively engage young people in the post-war recovery process? What are some successful examples from other conflict-affected regions?
  4. What role should education and vocational training play in empowering Ukrainian youth to contribute to the country’s economic and social recovery after the war?
  5. An analysis of successful international models for ensuring the peaceful reintegration of youth from conflict-affected and occupied areas (such as Crimean Peninsula and Donetsk and Luhansk regions in Ukraine)? What lessons can Ukraine draw from these experiences?
  6. What strategies and programs are required to address the specific psychosocial and mental health needs of young people who have been directly impacted by the war in Ukraine (with an additional emphasis on young war veterans)? How can these efforts contribute to their successful reintegration into society?
  7. How can the government of Ukraine collaborate with international organizations, NGOs, and other stakeholders to mobilize resources and support for youth-focused post-war recovery initiatives? Examples of successful partnerships.
  8. What strategies and incentives can help to retain and attract young talent, including skilled professionals, to ensure that Ukraine can leverage its human capital for post-war recovery and development, while minimizing the risk of brain drain to other countries?

To that end, the project is going to entail:

  1. Desk study with the review of existing literature and secondary sources;
  2. Qualitative research – whenever applicable to meet the research goal(s);
  3. Quantitative research – whenever applicable to meet the research goal(s);
  4. The expert will be asked to apply a gender-sensitive approach to the study.

The project focuses on research and analysis of policies and practices related to youth engagement in post-war recovery and transformation. As such, it seeks to provide more knowledge to promote a socially responsible recovery of Ukraine in the aftermath of Russia’s full-scale invasion of the country, which started in 2022. The research project does not seek to provide recommendations for other key policy areas for Ukraine’s democratic transformation and post-war recovery, while recognizing their value and importance.

Role of researcher/expert

The position of researcher/expert for this project entails responsibility for:

  1. Organising internal communication, adequate flow of information and documentation of all the steps of the research process;
  2. Implementation of the subsequent phases of the project (as directed by the jointly agreed outline and directly requested by the Project’s leaders)
  3. Conducting research according to the agreed schedule and methodology;
  4. Preparation of the final study with policy recommendations in English;
  5. Participation in (internal) expert meetings and dissemination events whenever necessary for the purpose of the assignment;
  6. Support in preparation of the dissemination and communication strategy for the outcomes of the project.

The researcher/expert will report to the project leaders in partner organisations.

Profile of the candidates

  • Minimum master’s degree in social sciences (political sciences, sociology, or economy). Doctoral degree in a relevant field will be considered an advantage. Academic track record of further research in the field of youth policy, post-war societal transformation is a strong advantage.
  • Experience working with/within political think tanks or other research institutions is a strong asset.
  • Experience in usage of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies.
  • The selected expert should be able to prove an understanding of how to carry out gender-sensitive research. In this regard, demonstrated experience of successfully designing and implementing gender sensitive research will be considered an advantage.
  • Full professional proficiency in English is a must. Knowledge of Ukrainian will be considered a strong advantage.
  • Commitment to progressive values of equality, solidarity, and social justice.
  • Eagerness to work in a team, as also openness and interpersonal skills that enable working in a multi-cultural environment.


FEPS reserves the right to conduct the tender process and select the successful tender. FEPS is not bound contractually or in any way to a bidder to this request for tender until FEPS and the successful winner have entered a written contract.

08.09.2023 Launch of the Call 
26.09.2023 Closing of the Call 
28.09.2023 Evaluation by the Project Steering Committee (in presence of representatives of FES, Kalevi Sorsa Foundation and with a protocol delivered by FEPS) 
30.09.2023 Announcement regarding result (which may include scheduling of a set of interviews, if deemed necessary by the Project Steering Committee) 
02.10.2023 Start of the contract 
30.11.2023 Provisional end of the contract 

Tender evaluation criteria

In non-preferential order, the evaluation criteria used to assess the applications are the following:

Qualitative criteria 1: Quality of the service.

Qualitative criteria 1: Proposed methodological approach (e.g., applicability and relevance to the goals of the project)

Quantitative criteria 1: Years of experience and proven track of research in youth policy

Quantitative criteria 2: Years of experience and proven track of implementing gender-sensitive research and analysis


3.500 Euro (incl. VAT)

How to apply?

Please submit your applications latest by noon Brussels time on 22.09.2023 addressing them to the Project Steering Committee:

First member: Andriy Korniychuk (FEPS)
Second member: Felix Hett (FES Ukraine)
Third member: Jelena Simic (Kalevi Sorsa Foundation)

Sending the complete application to:
Mathilde Boisse-Despiaux, Project Officer at

The application should consist of the following documents (in English):

  • CV with a list of publications and relevant research projects
  • Motivation letter of maximum1 page (standard font of 12, 1,5 spacing)
  • A maximum 1-page research proposal, detailing proposed methodology and describing the way you plan to approach the topic of youth engagement in post-war recovery in a gender-sensitive manner. The Steering Committee reserves the right to invite shortlisted applicants for an interview. FEPS and its project partners are committed to equality, equal opportunities, equal treatment, fairness, and transparency in the recruitment and tendering processes.

For any questions:  Mathilde Boisse-Despiaux, Project Officer at

Amicus Europæ
Fondation Jean-Jaurès
Foundation Max van der Stoel (FMS)
Kalevi Sorsa Foundation
Karl Renner Institut
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