FEPS statement on the decision by the Authority for European Political Parties and European Political Foundations

On the FEPS-Fabian Society 2023 New Year Conference


FEPS statement on the decision by the Authority for European Political Parties and European Political Foundations (APPF) to sanction FEPS on the FEPS-Fabian Society 2023 New Year Conference:

FEPS neither directly nor indirectly funded the UK Labour Party or any other political party. We have no such intentions or capacities and do not engage in party financing either inside or outside the EU. We regret that our arguments did not convince the APPF. 

The Authority pointed out an event ‘2023 FEPS – Fabian Society New Year Conference’, which was organised two years before the final deadline to have a general election in the UK and 18 months before it was actually held. It was attended by both EU and UK politicians, among others. Our preoccupation was to promote a European debate in London with EU experts and politicians. The Fabian Society is older than the Labour Party and it is not controlled by it. We believe it is a European interest to use our channels to keep British partners engaged in EU matters and close to the EU.

The APPF decision refers to indirect funding, as they stressed that the UK Labour has benefitted from a book ‘Leading the Way – Lessons for Labour from Europe’ and a conference led by FEPS in collaboration with the Fabian Society. FEPS fully recognises the APPF’s purpose and mission and respects its decision. FEPS pays utmost attention to the full respect of the provisions enshrined in the Regulation 1141/2014. Our robust internal procedures,  already in place, are aimed at ensuring that our activities are fully compliant. 

As a political foundation, FEPS cannot be expected to be non-political, and it is certainly within the remit of FEPS’ mission to provide advice, guidance and input for social-democratic policymakers and organisations. All our books and conferences produced and implemented with our members are intended to benefit the progressive movement and promote a healthy European democracy. Our advice and political talks involve politicians and attempt to give an edge to progressive values. Our book ‘Leading the Way – Lessons for Labour from Europe’, as well as the conference were produced outside the electoral campaign period. The book is analytical, not campaign material.

Since the APPF is responsible for registering, controlling, and imposing sanctions on European Political Parties and European Political Foundations, on the basis of its own interpretation of the Regulation, and without the possibility of appeal, FEPS will continue engaging with the APPF whenever clarification is needed, ideally ex ante rather than ex post. If needed, we will further review our activities and practice to eliminate the risk of non-compliance and avoid the wrong perception.

The information and video of the conference ‘2023 FEPS-Fabian New Year Conference’ can be found here. This was the 12th edition of an annual event. Through this long-standing cooperation, FEPS contributes to bringing the EU voice to the UK. 

At the event, the book  ‘Leading the Way ‘ was presented. It gathered insights from politicians and activists from across Europe on best practices and success stories for Progressives in the UK.

Read here the decision of the APPF.

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