Economist, and Former Secretary General, FEPS

Ernst Stetter was FEPS Secretary General from 2008 to 2019. He is also a regular commentator on EU affairs in the media and visiting fellow at the University of Greenwich, London. He is an Economist and Political Scientist. He studied in Tübingen and Heidelberg (Germany) focusing on international trade, finance, economic and social policy as well as development issues. In 1980 he obtained his PhD in political science entitled ’The Association of ACP-Countries (Lomé I and II) to the European Community and the STABEX System. ’In 1976, he began his professional career as a lecturer in economics at the DGB Trade Union Centre for Vocational Training in Heidelberg. From 1980 to 2008 he worked for the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) in various positions. He spent the first four years at the FES as a Consultant in Dakar, Senegal. In 1988, Ernst Stetter was appointed as Head of the Africa Department. In 1994 he started working as Head of the Central Europe Unit. In 1997 he moved to Paris and became Director of the FES Office in France, then in 2003 he was appointed Director of the EU-Office of the FES in Brussels. In 2003 he received the French decoration of Chevalier de l’Ordre national du Mérite.

Find all publications by Ernst STETTER

Europe and Iran in a fast-changing Middle East

The Trump administration’s decision to unilaterally cease compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal and implement […]

The State of Populism in Europe 2018

a yearly report by FEPS and Policy Solutions on the populist trends in Europe

Progressive Answers to Populism

Why Europeans vote for populist parties and how Progressives should respond to this challenge

(Food) Waste Not Want Not

Why food waste is a big deal and how to scale-up preventive action
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Progressive Post

European Progressives and the possible way forward

Citizens are no longer making the choice between the Left and Right but rather between the democratic system and the anti-democratic system.

UNited for a different European migration policy

Migration is on top of the political agenda - but there is still no movement towards a coherent and comprehensive European solution.
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Find all events with Ernst STETTER

UNited for a different migration

On 11 July 2018 after lengthy consultations with stakeholders and negotiations among the UN Member […]
London, UK

Workshop on Secular Stagnation in the Eurozone and Divergence between the Centre and Periphery

Workshop on Secular Stagnation in the Eurozone and Divergence between the Centre and Periphery: policy […]
21 - 22/06/2018
London, UK

Workshop on Secular Stagnation in the Eurozone and Divergence between the Centre and Periphery

Policy proposals beyond unconventional monetary policy
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Find all news about Ernst STETTER

Challenges of Common Currency in crisis times

Lecture and slides by Dr. Ernst Stetter, Secretary General of FEPS, at the conference “Decent […]