FEPS Vice-President

Dr. Uwe Optenhögel is a political scientist and economist. Uwe studied in Bonn, Washington D.C., Hamburg, and Lisbon and holds a master’s degree and a PhD from the University of Hamburg. He is an expert on European and International Politics, Security and Defence policy, Labour Relations and the Role of Think-Tanks and Foundations.

During his long professional career in the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Uwe worked 20 years abroad as head of different offices in countries of the global south (Brazil, Madagascar/ Mauritius, Cuba/ Dominican Republic) and the global north (Nordic Countries, Belgium). His last assignment was head of the Foundation’s EU office in Brussels until 2018. At FES Headquarters in Bonn and Berlin in the 1990 and early 2000 he was head of the Department for Central and Eastern Europe, setting up the Foundations network of offices in this region, in Central Asia, and the Caucasus after 1989. From 1999 to 2004 he was International Director of the Foundation.

Prior to his work with FES, he was a research associate at the Cultural Authority of the city of Hamburg, a visiting lecturer at the University of Hamburg and CEO of an international language cooperative in Lisbon, Portugal (1982-1984). From 2016-2017 Uwe was network coordinator of the European Network of Political Foundations (ENoP) in Brussels. As of 2017 he is publisher at the traditional German publishing House J.H.W. Dietz. Apart from his work for FES, Uwe Optenhögel has been a freelance political analyst and consultant to a broad range of public and private organizations in Germany, Europe and beyond.

Find all publications by Uwe OPTENHÖGEL

Europe and the war in Ukraine

From Russian aggression to a new Eastern policy

Progressive Yearbook 2024

Looking back to look ahead

No favourable winds for Brussels

This could not have been the way in which European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker […]
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Progressive Post

Europe’s centre moves east

After the shock of the shift to the right in the first round of the […]

China in the global order: trade partner, competitor, or systemic alternative?

The People’s Republic of China has emerged as an actor in global politics that propagates […]

Unequal best friends – China, Russia, and the war over Ukraine

We all remember the image of the two lonely dictators at the Winter Olympics in […]

No favourable winds for Brussels

Brussels would have preferred a continuation of the grand coalition after the German elections.
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Stockholm, Sweden

Algorithmic governance and the Swedish model

Impact of algorithmic management on workers and co-determination opportunities

Progressive Yearbook launch

On January 24, we launched the fifth edition of one of our most unique publications, […]
Vienna, Austria (Expert meeting)

Conflict, leadership and change: Europe’s response to Russian aggression and global shifts

'Forging Europe's Leadership' book launch
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In the media

Ukrainas och Europas framtid diskuterades i Helsingfors

by Demokraatti 01/12/2023
'Future of Ukraine and Europe discussed in Helsinki' Demokraatti article about FEPS and Kalevi Sorsa Foundation event 'From Russia’s aggression to progressive recovery of Ukraine' held in Helsinki.

Wie der Ukraine-Krieg die europäische Politik verändert

by Vorwärts 24/02/2023
'How the war in Ukraine changed European politics' Vorwärts article written by László Andor, FEPS Secretary General and Uwe Optenhoegel, FEPS Vice-President
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‘Europe and the war in Ukraine’ book launch

More than one year and a half after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, when emotional fatigue […]

Brazil-EU: Parliamentarians’ exchange

How to strengthen cooperation on the climate and sustainable development agendas

State of the Unions

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