Policy Brief


Even from the standpoint of a relatively small and therefore determined to be open and in many ways highly competitive market economy as the Austrian one, a dry analysis of TTIP shows little evidence for economic or even social benefits.

Moreover a closer inspection of TTIP, CETA and other likeminded agreements makes certain drawbacks apparent. This particularly refers to certain trade liberalizing instruments, such as provisions on investment protection, on regulatory cooperation, or on public services, that might undermine significantly the European social model.

Despite of certain reforms, these poison fangs are still far away from being sufficiently pulled out in the course of political decision-making. From a progressive political approach, the negotiations are first and foremost a missed opportunity to foster our essential values of (not only European) welfare states, high standards of human rights and democracy.

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Fondation Jean-Jaurès
Global Progressive Forum
Karl Renner Institut
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