Unequal Estonia – Tackling Regional Disparities in Estonia

In recent years Estonia has been among the fastest growing economies of the EU and […]

Policy Study


In recent years Estonia has been among the fastest growing economies of the EU and has successfully established itself on the global mind map as a land of opportunity for digital transformation. However, a closer look reveals an uneven picture of the Estonian growth story.

Similar to other European countries, economic, digital and ecological transitions have amplified structural change. The capability to adapt to these changes in society and economy is unequally spread, with some regions benefiting from change and others falling behind.

The Estonian regional disparity report identifies current spatial variations of strengths and weaknesses in light of future risks and challenges for the country and calls for new national and European policies to address the issue.

Read the Policy Study | Estonian Version | More on Unequal Europe

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ℹ️ This report is part of a Policy Study series produced by FEPS and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. The indicators have been selected in collaboration with researchers from the Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung. Check all the Unequal Europe publications here.

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