Feminist Foreign Policy Progressive Voices Collective

Policy recommendations


Traditional approaches to foreign policy, based on colonial, patriarchal systems, need to be questioned. Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP) is the means to change the way the EU interacts globally.

The EU’s foreign policy has operated on the basis that foreign policy is gender-neutral and technocratic – but gender-neutral does not equate to gender inclusive. Gender equality is not a mere ‘add on’.

Although several EU Member states have adopted FFP, the EU still needs a more ambitious approach to substantially transforming the concept and practice of its foreign policy. 

This is why the Feminist Foreign Policy Progressive Voices Collective (FFPPVC), a global network of feminist experts, developed a series of concrete deliverables to advance actionable policy recommendations. These recommendations draw on the insights and in-depth analysis presented in the FEPS-FES Policy Brief Series on Feminist Foreign Policy


The series was developed in the framework of the Feminist Foreign Policy Progressive Voices Collective (FFPPVC), led by FEPS and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, which questions traditional approaches to foreign policy to enable an alternative account of foreign relations from the standpoint of the most disadvantaged. It provides insights into what might be the most challenging question regarding Feminist Foreign Policy.

Read the whole series

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The Feminist Foreign Policy Progressive Voices Collective (FFPPVC)

A collective to promote a feminist and progressive approach to foreign policy