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The Sahel region: A litmus test for EU-Africa relations in a changing global order

'12 years of crises in the Sahel' series
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20 - 22/11/2024
FEPS HQ, Brussels (Expert meeting)

Friends of the Western Balkans – Brussels

How will the new balance of power in Europe impact the accession process?
Rome, Italy

Understanding right-wing populism and what to do about it

PES Congress fringe event
14 - 18/12/2023
Warsaw, Poland (Expert meeting - Hybrid)

Social democracy without people – Case study of SLD

Presentation of the report and the outcomes of a survey
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Progressive Post

Defending democracy in the digital world


Practice solidarity and stay engaged – it is that simple


Latin America, democracies at the edge


The Thessaloniki Declaration: more relevant than ever?

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In the media

Rebuilding Ukraine will require radical economic change

by openDemocracy 16/06/2023
In OpenDemocracy's article, Yuliya Yurchenko, co-author of FEPS’ book 'Europe and the war in Ukraine', outlines the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine for the Ukrainian population and the plans needed for Ukraine's recovery.

Αναγκαιότητα η επένδυση στην κοινωνική προστασία

by Naftemporiki 03/05/2023
"Investment in social protection is a necessity" Naftemporiki article about the participation of László Andor, FEPS Secretary General, in the panel "Why social inclusion matters and how to foster it" of the 8th Delphi Economic Forum
Find all audiovisual on democracy

#130 FEPS Talks ‘Political fragmentation: Do the voters simply switch sides?’