#130 FEPS Talks ‘Political fragmentation: Do the voters simply switch sides?’

In this episode, Tarik Abou-Chadi, Associate Professor at the Nuffield College, Oxford, engages in a conversation with Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training, about the reasons for the electoral decline of social democracy and the growing political fragmentation. He shares the results of his new research, which shows that while the radical right has indeed gained ground, it is not due to a transfer of the centre-left electorate.

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In the media

Podcast interview on the new European Parliament

by Encompass 23/07/2024
Listen to this podcast featuring László Andor, Secretary General of FEPS, and Paul Adamson, Founder of Encompass, as they explore the rise and impact of Viktor Orban and the shifting power dynamics in the European Parliament.

Falsely historic European elections bring little change, says FEPS

by Agence Europe 18/06/2024
Agence Europe's article features an analysis of the EU election results by Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training, published in The Progressive Post.

Europe Needs a Democracy Commissioner

by Project Syndicate 05/06/2024
FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues co-authored this article, advocating for the establishment of a Democracy Commissioner to protect the sustainability of news media, among other tasks

La ultraderecha se reorganiza para devorar a los populares en Europa

by El País 03/06/2024
EL País article focuses on the changing relationship between the mainstream right and the far-right. It mentions FEPS Policy Study 'The transformation of the mainstream right and its impact on (social) democracy' and includes interviews with some of its authors.