Inequalities in the European Semester

Online Policy Study Presentation – 8th October 2020 14:00 – 16:30 Commissioner Nicolas Schmit was […]

00:00 - 00:00
Inequalities in the European Semester

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Online Policy Study Presentation – 8th October 2020 14:00 – 16:30

Commissioner Nicolas Schmit was one of the key-note speakers at the presentation of the Policy Study ‘Inequalities in the European Semester’, which took place on October 8th, a few days ahead of the submission of National Recovery Plans.

As European Semester will play a key role in the implementation of such Recovery Plans, it becomes essential to push forward the revision process of this fundamental coordination tool and transform it into a useful instrument able to grasp the changes affecting vital aspects of our daily life: health, education and work.

The key recommendation of the Policy Study by Lorenza Antonucci and Francesco Corti is to start monitoring inequalities. Currently, there is a focus on absolute poverty and little information about the trends affecting the European middle class. The indices of the Semester must be upgraded; monitoring work precarity, households’ financial insecurities and access to key services like child and elderly care have to be part of the European toolkit for the coordination of the recovery.

Among the participants: Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights; Antton Rönnholm, Secretary General, Social Democratic Party of Finland; Miguel Costa Matos, Member of the Portuguese Parliament and President of the Juventude Socialista of Lisbon Urban Area; Maria Joao Rodrigues, President, FEPS; László Andor, Secretary General, FEPS; Mikael Leyi, Secretary General, SOLIDAR; Katia Berti, Head of unit, DG EMPL – Employment and Social Aspects of the European Semester; Markus Seppelin, Finnish Ministerial Counsellor for Social Affairs; Bart Vanhercke, Director, European Social Observatory; Julie Rosenkilde, Director of Nyt Europa, Denmark; Laura de Bonfils, Policy and Advocacy Coordinator at Social Platform.

This event was co-organsied by: FEPS, SOLIDAR, Kalevi Sorsa Foundation, Fondazione Pietro Nenni and Društva Progresiva.

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Policy Study ‘Inequalities in the European Semester’   /  Executive summary  /   Infographic  /  Presentation

Fondazione Pietro Nenni
Kalevi Sorsa Foundation
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