FEPS Newsletter 24 Sept 2024 – 🇺🇳 UN Summit of the Future & New European Commission

FEPS’ work on the global governance reform –

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We are going through a pivotal moment for the future of Europe and beyond, marked by the nomination of the new European Commission designates and the ongoing United Nations General Assembly.


Below is a summary of our work around these two significant developments. 

Summit of the Future

FEPS actively participated in the UN Summit Of The Future in New York, which brought together world leaders to adopt the Pact For The Future.


After years of work on reforming world governance and contributing to the preparation of the Pact For the Future, the FEPS Delegation, headed by our President Maria João Rodrigues, brought key inputs to this summit through the co-organisation of several side events, in cooperation with our international partners:

A New Global Deal: Reforming world governance to advance


A New Global Deal: Reforming world governance to advance


In New York, we presented proposals included in the book ‘A New Global Deal: Reforming world governance’. Written by a high-level group of experts, this is our progressive contribution to the Pact For The Future.


It identifies various global governance reforms to be implemented in the form of a New Global Deal

A New Global Deal is necessary to get the Sustainable Development Goals back on track, face global challenges, and address increasing inequalities.


By FEPS in partnership with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Renner Institut, Fondation Jean-Jaurès, Olof Palme International Center, TASC – Think-tank for Action on Social Change, Earth4All, and The Club of Rome.

A New Global Deal
Official side-event on the occasion of the UN Summit of the Future Action Days


T20/G20 inputs for the Summit of the Future


At an official side event of the UN Summit of the Future Action Days in the UN headquarters, we presented with IPEA the policy recommendations of the T20 Brasil Communiqué to the G20 leaders, which are relevant to the outcome of the Summit of the Future.


The T20 Communiqué results from extensive consultations with global think tanks, including FEPS, in the run-up to the Brazilian presidency of the G20.


📺 The video of the event is available on UN Web TV!


A summit of the future in New York

Article by Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President

A Summit of the Future in NY

Is it still possible to reform global governance? Despite many difficulties – Trumpism in the US and authoritarian trends in other countries, pandemics, wars in Ukraine and the Middle East – the UN Secretary-General launched a forward-looking agenda to reform the United Nations. The first step was a Summit on SDGs last year, but the higher moment occurred in New York on 22-23 September 2024, when the Summit of the Future adopted a Pact for Future (…). Read more.

Photo Credits: UN Photo/Loey Felipe

New European Commission

Ursula von der Leyen has finally unveiled the candidates for the new European Commission.  Find here some of our thoughts about the candidates, the disappearance of crucial concepts such as ‘social’ or ’employment’, the unacceptable fact that Equality doesn’t have a dedicated portfolio anymore, the blurriness of some of the titles and the overlapping of portfolios.

New European Commission composition proposal  Reaction by FEPS Secretary General

New European Commission composition proposal


Read FEPS Secretary General László Andor’s reaction to the announcement of the new Commissioner designates, which addresses some of his key concerns.

Was Gender Equality Made To Take A Backseat In The Next Commission?

Was gender equality made to take a backseat in the next EU Commission?


Listen to Lina Gálvez Muñoz, FEPS Vice-President and Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, as she discusses in Euronews Radio Schuman the backsliding of gender equality in the new EU Commission proposal, beyond the lack of parity. 

What will a European Commissioner for Housing do?

What will a European Commissioner for Housing do?


Listen to this episode of Euronews Radio Schuman, featuring insights from David Rinaldi, FEPS Director of Studies and Policy. He explores the precedent of EU housing policy and outlines what the role of a dedicated Housing Commissioner could entail.

Controversial Hungarian gets EU health portfolio nomination

Controversial Hungarian gets EU health portfolio nomination


Read this article from Medscape Medical News on the contentious appointment of Hungarian Olivér Várhelyi as Commissioner for Health and Animal Welfare, a decision by Ursula von der Leyen that has sparked controversy. László Andor, Secretary General of FEPS, estimates that Várhelyi is unlikely to be confirmed as EU Health Commissioner.

Photo Credits: Shutterstock / VanderWolf Images

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Foundation for European Progressive Studies
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