How to ensure a just transition in times of industrial transformation

Policy proposals for the EU just transition agenda


If climate policies do not also address socio-economic inequalities, implementing them will be more challenging. The EU’s just transition agenda is a positive step, but this policy brief identifies several areas for improvement. Monitoring Committees are crucial for ensuring transparent and inclusive disbursement of the Just Transition Fund. However, they currently face issues like limited representation and technical expertise, highlighting the need for capacity building and greater stakeholder participation. Additionally, the focus of just transition funding on preserving jobs in transitioning industries raises concerns about support for other vulnerable groups and the speed of funding allocation. This underscores the need for measures to prevent brain drain, extend funding duration, and streamline access to increase the fund’s transformative potential.

The proposal for a European socio-ecological welfare model aims to safeguard the welfare state amidst environmental crises by aligning with the European Pillar of Social Rights and integrating social and environmental objectives. Efforts to institutionalize the just transition within the European Commission’s work plan require greater involvement from decision-makers, recognition of local contributions, and a long-term vision, along with communication strategies to counter disinformation.

The just transition movement involves a diverse set of actors, who often hold different views. Building trust and promoting substantive dialogue among these groups, while understanding local realities and finding common ground, is essential for advancing a coherent and impactful just transition agenda.

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