Roadmap to the next MFF

Supporting Just Transition & Cohesion

09:00 - 15:00
FEPS HQ, Brussels (Stakeholder meeting)
Av. des Arts 46, 1000 Bruxelles
Roadmap to the next MFF
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Continuing their strong collaboration on just transition, FEPS, FES Just Climate, CEE Bankwatch and SOLIDAR are organising the annual Territorial Just Transition Stakeholder Meeting in April at the FEPS headquarters in Brussels. 

The TJT Stakeholder meeting brings together a diverse range of actors (civil society, decision-makers, experts, regional campaigners, etc.) involved in just transition to share knowledge, generate ideas, network and develop recommendations on how to promote territorial just transition pathways.   

This year’s meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss the implications of current EU policy development for just transition and cohesion in the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and EU funding mechanisms. What are the priorities for the next MFF in terms of just transition? How can the social and environmental dimensions of just transition be integrated to the next MFF in an era of competitiveness and in light of the Clean Industrial Deal? Under which form(s) could just transition be integrated in the EU budget? 

The meeting will include different activities:

  • A presentation of the upcoming policy brief “For an EU Budget and Green Deal working in sync” synthesising the results of the last stakeholder meeting 
  • An open roundtable discussion on the implications of current EU development for just transition and cohesion in the next MFF with political speakers
  • Parallel working groups on five themes: 
    • The nationalisation of the planning: the role of regions in a centralised planning of funds
    • Making the most of a performance-based approach to funding
    • The simplification of fund procedures: reducing the administrative burden, maintaining quality? 
    • Cohesion and just transition in the era of competitiveness: complementarities and potential trade-offs? 
    • Lessons learned and best practices from the 2021-2027 MFF
  • Discussions on the way forward to support an EU budget aligned with just transition principles and with the European Green Deal 

The event is by invitation only. For more information or if you would like to attend, please do not hesitate to contact Luis Sáez Jiménez, Project Officer, at

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