#123 FEPS Talks ‘Universities in war and peace’

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Transforming housing policy in war-affected Ukraine

Progressive Ukraine series

Impoverished motherhood in Ukraine

Progressive Ukraine series

In search of the progressive paths to rebuild Ukraine

Progressive Ukraine series

Strengthening Ukraine’s health care for a resilient future

Progressive Ukraine series
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Ukraine’s housing policy in the face of war with Vita Shnaider

📺🔊 Available on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Podcast In the latest episode, Vita Shnaider, a […]

Ukraine’s housing policy in the face of war with Vita Shnaider

📺🔊 Available on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Podcast In the latest episode, Vita Shnaider, a […]

‘Call to Europe: The Future is Social’ Flickr album

Photo album of the ‘Call to Europe: The Future is Social‘ You can watch the […]

Social Europe. Vision and Vigour with Björn Hacker

FEPS Talks #144
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Applying a gender lens to Ukraine’s reconstruction

Ukraine Solidarity Day
FEPS HQ, Brussels

The Social Transformation of Ukraine

Progressive insights on reconstruction and inclusion

Call to Europe – The future is social

Call to Europe: The Future is Social – took place in Brussels on 30 April […]
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Launch of the new Open Progressive University’s Ukraine programme!

We have launched the new programme ‘Progressive Ukraine’ in collaboration with S&D Group as part […]

Notice of vacancy – Policy analyst on international relations

This vacancy is now closed.

FEPS President on Euronews talk-show ‘Brussels, my love?’

NATO extension, Portuguese elections, far-right and gender equality were the topics of the debate

Call for tender – Research and analysis for the project “Progressive paths to rebuild Ukraine”

This call for tender closed on 26/09/2023
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In the media

FEPS President on Euronews talk-show ‘Brussels, my love?’

by Euronews 16/03/2024
FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues discusses NATO expansions and elections in Russia and Portugal on Euronews talk-show ‘Brussels, my love?‘

What are Hungary’s conditions for lifting its Ukraine Facility veto?

by Euractiv 12/01/2024
In this episode, Evi Kiorri asks Andriy Korniychuk, policy analyst and expert on Ukraine matters at the Foundation for European Progressive Studies: what are Viktor Orbán's conditions, and why is Hungary considering changing its position?

Ukrainian economy and society: whither the (postwar) country?

by Commons 16/06/2023
In Commons' article, Yuliya Yurchenko, co-author of FEPS’ book 'Europe and the war in Ukraine', outlines the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine for the Ukrainian population and the plans needed for Ukraine's recovery.

Rebuilding Ukraine will require radical economic change

by openDemocracy 16/06/2023
In OpenDemocracy's article, Yuliya Yurchenko, co-author of FEPS’ book 'Europe and the war in Ukraine', outlines the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine for the Ukrainian population and the plans needed for Ukraine's recovery.