‘Platform work and employment terms’ Flickr album

Photo album of the Platform work and employment terms event in the European Parliament As FEPS, […]


Photo album of the Platform work and employment terms event in the European Parliament

As FEPS, together with our Nordic partners, Tankesmedjan TidenKalevi Sorsa SaatioTankesmien Agenda, CEVEA, Arbejderbevægelsens Erhvervsråd (ECLM), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Nordics, Cooperation Committee of the Nordic Labour Movement (SAMAK), and with the support of Nordics Trade Unions, we came together for a Digital Research Programme to investigate the developments around AI in the workplace and the effects on workers.

On 18 January, we launched the Employment terms of platform workers policy study with the first results of the Digital Programme. This policy study on employment terms of platform workers, with a data-driven analysis of employment terms and the use of algorithms on online platforms in Denmark, was performed by the Economic Council of the Labour Movement (ECLM). We gathered the research team involved and wanted to use this opportunity to connect them with the key experts, policymakers, and trade unionists. During this expert roundtable discussion, we wanted to interact with them on employment terms on labor platforms to present what we were working on and gather input from our main stakeholders in Denmark.  

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‘Time to build a European digital ecosystem’ Flickr album

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A digital union based on EU values with Ivana Bartoletti

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In the media

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Involved Networks

Tankesmien Agenda

Economic Council of the Labour Movement (ECLM)

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Tankesmedja Tiden



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