Recovery for whom? Austerity policies, gendered impacts and policy alternatives for Europe


09:00 - 18:00
Brussels, Belgium
Brussels Press Club Europe, Rue Froissart 95, 1040 Brussels
Recovery for whom? Austerity policies, gendered impacts and policy alternatives for Europe

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Austerity policies and cuts in Europe have been particularly harmful to women who in most countries make up the majority of those employed in the public sector. As such women have been more exposed to pay freezes, job cuts and reduced pension entitlements. Second, women use public services more intensively than men to meet their won needs and to manage care responsibilities. Third, women are more likely than men to pick up the extra unpaid work resulting from cuts in public services. Finally, women have a higher dependency on benefits due to their higher participation in unpaid care work and their lower earnings.

In light of this background, the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), together with TASC, The Economic Council of the Labour Movement (ECLM), the Open University and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) and in collaboration with S&D Group at the European Parliament and PES Women, organises a roundtable debate in Brussels on March 5th 2015 with the objective to a) determine and discuss the channels and the extent of the impact of austerity policies on women and men in Europe, particularly in the labour market, and b) define the characteristics of a progressive and gender equitable macroeconomic framework for Europe.

This roundtable debate is also an opportunity to disseminate original policy research work conducted under the project Beyond Austerity: Towards Employment: a Gender-Aware Framework. Here you can find the latest publications on the impact of austerity on women and men in Europe and policy alternatives for Europe.

PES Women
Socialists and Democrats (S&D)
Economic Council of the Labour Movement (ECLM)
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