A new Gender Equality Contract for Europe –  Feminism and progressive politics

Book launch event

15:00 - 17:00
European Parliament, Brussels
European Parliament (room SPINELLI 3H1) MEETING POINT AT 14:00 at ESPLANADE entrance next to Rue de Trèves (due to accreditation needed to enter)
A new Gender Equality Contract for Europe –  Feminism and progressive politics

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IMPORTANT: MEETING POINT AT 14:00 at ESPLANADE entrance next to Rue de Trèves

Feminism and gender equality currently stand at a contradictory crossroads: they have simultaneously become widely popular and yet also increasingly undermined.

As we stand in front of a new legislative term, the time is opportune for a discussion about the feminist future of the EU.

Are you interested in how gender can become a unifying force towards the crafting of a transformative, inclusive and fairer Europe in the years to come?

During book launch event organised with Fondation Jean-Jaurès, authors presented the book “A new gender equality contract for Europe – Feminism and progressive politics”.

In the face of sustained opposition to gender justice in Europe and beyond, the book fosters dialogue between feminist research and policymakers to consolidate positive narratives around feminist issues.

Building on the idea that the future of Europe is shaped by gender equality, authors in this collective volume analyse current challenges whilst outlining tangible policy answers in a wide range of fields.

The aim of this publication is to offer a true political reflection towards an inclusive and all-encompassing feminism by gathering progressive voices with multidisciplinary backgrounds. The idea is to launch a comprehensive reflection on how to move away from the “gender backlash” rhetoric by making room to imagine a “new gender contract” for Europe for policymakers to unite around.

Check out the full programme of the European Gender Equality Week!

A new Gender Equality Contract for Europe

For more information regarding the project and this event, please do not hesitate to contact Laeticia Thissen, Senior Policy Analyst on Gender Equality, FEPS (laeticia.thissen@feps-europe.eu) or Julia Wild, Project Officer, FEPS (julia.wild@feps-europe.eu).

Fondation Jean-Jaurès
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