09:00 - 18:00
Berlin, Germany
Back to the dark ages? The rise of a new retail model

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Groceries at your doorstep in less than 20 minutes. That’s the promise of a relatively new segment of the platform economy. From small dark stores and supermarkets in urban centres, riders race through the city with your eggs, lettuce, or wash product.

Little is known about the business models of those new companies, the working conditions and status of workers in the sector, and challenges and opportunities for labour organising.

Is this a substantial innovation with clear benefits, or is the sector relying on an unsustainable squeezing of low-paid and poorly protected workers?

FEPS and UNI Europa have teamed up to study this new sector. In this Labor.a session, early insights of an international research were shared and discussed.


  • Steve Rolf, Economic and Social Research (ESRC) Council Researcher Fellow at the Digital Futures at Work (Digit) Research Centre, University of Sussex
  • Frank van Bennekom, Union Official, Young & United at the Federation of Dutch Trade Unions (FNV)
  • Janine Berg, Senior Economist, ILO
  • Moderator: Justin Nogarede, Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS)
UNI Europa
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