Economic Council of the Labour Movement (ECLM)
The Economic Council of the Labour Movement (ECLM) is a Danish economic policy institute and think-tank working to promote social justice in Denmark.
ECLM aims to contribute to a society where economic growth and wealth does not result in increased inequality and new social divisions. Our vision is a society where all citizens have equal opportunities.
ECLM’s main objective is to produce and communicate social and economic knowledge which can qualify and widen the public debate and guide policymakers on issues such as employment, education, inequality, and economic and sustainable growth. ECLM is working on its own initiatives but also in cooperation with the Danish trade unions and international partners, such as the FEPS network.
ECLM was founded in 1936 as a forum for Danish trade union leaders and MPs from the Social Democratic Party to discuss social and economic issues. The council is supported by a secretariat consisting of economists and communication staff. The employees are often used by the Danish media as economic experts providing the public debate with an empirical foundation.
The ECLM is funded by the members of Fagbevægelsens Hovedorganisation (The Danish TUC), and by revenue from research and analyses carried out in collaboration or on behalf of our clients and partners.