Computer in command

Do the consequences of Algorithmic Management for workers require EU policy action?

14:00 - 18:30
Brussels, Belgium (Hybrid)
The European Economic and Social Committee, Rue Belliard 99/101, 1040 Brussels
Computer in command

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On October 16, we were at the European Economic and Social Committee, for an engaging debate on the impact of artificial intelligence and algorithmic management at work, organised by FEPS and the EESC.

We presented key findings from two pan-Nordic policy studies from the “Digital Research Programme: Algorithms in the Workplace”:

We also examined EU legal provisions on AI in the workplace, identifying critical areas that require a reassessment of its application, the potential actions trade unions can take and necessary legislative interventions.


76% of workers within sectors like warehousing and telemarketing experience one or more forms of Algorithmic Management (AM) in the workplace. They report having less autonomy in their jobs, a greater workload, feeling more stressed, and greater concern among employees about their job security.

These are the findings from the transnational survey Computer in command: Consequences of algorithmic management for workers conducted by FEPS and Nordic think tanks among over 6,000 union members in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland.

Algorithmic management, the use of algorithms and artificial intelligence to direct and control workers, is increasingly reshaping the modern workplace. These technologies are touted as pathways to greater efficiency, productivity, and streamlined operations. However, the reality is far more complex. While digital tools have the potential to revolutionise work, they often lead to heightened pressures, reduced autonomy, and increased precarity for workers.

At this event, we explored these impacts, extrapolating its focus from the unique labour environments of the Nordic countries—Finland, Sweden, and Norway— where long-standing traditions of labour organisation intersect with rapidly advancing technologies to their implications over EU policy making.

Computer in command

Read Professor Pheobe V. Moore’s keynote speech from the “Computer in command” event.

For additional information about this event, please contact Luis Sáez Jiménez, FEPS Project Officer at (

Economic Council of the Labour Movement (ECLM)
European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
Kalevi Sorsa Foundation
Tankesmedja Tiden
Tankesmien Agenda
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