Siena conference on the Future of Europe


The event was held on the 26-27-28th May at the Certosa di Pontignano, Siena (Italy).

Vision Think Tank in partnership with the University of Siena organised the Third Vision Conference on the Future of Europe with the cooperation of the major think tanks and European political foundations: Foundation for European Progressive Studies, European Liberal Forum and Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies. The Green European Foundation and New Direction were also present.

The event had four key points, to which four working groups will be dedicated: these will address the defence policies after the Ukrainian invasion; the impact of war on the Green Deal and energy policies; Europe’s digital autonomy and finally a focus on mechanisms to make EU institutions closer to its citizens.

The appointment at the Certosa di Pontignano was a three-day problem-solving event where 40 intellectuals, policymakers, journalists, historians, and visionaries met to generate and discuss bold ideas oriented to develop common solutions on current issues to be presented to EU and national institutions.

Among the participants: Romano Prodi, Marta Dassù, Sandro Gozi, Bill Emmott, Enrico Giovannini, John Hooper, Maria Joao Rodrigues, Jelena Dzankic, Kalypso Nicolaidis and many more.

The conference aimed to become an annual forum for dialogue, less formal than the institutional events, with the aspiration to contribute to crafting the future of Europe.

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