FEPS Newsletter 19 July 2024 – 🌱 Just transition & the social agenda

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As we marked the EU Day for the Victims of the Global Climate Crisis this week, it is important to recognise that prioritising the Just Transition is essential. In fact, the green transition must go hand in hand with a social dimension, as these two aspects are mutually supportive.


We hope you all enjoy a restful break, so you can return refreshed in September, ready to engage in vibrant discussions and explore innovative progressive ideas!

Just Transition
Climate progress in the EU and the world

By Stephen Minas


Our latest addition to the FEPS Primers series delves into the process of how EU climate policy has been formulated at the EU level, the main tools used, the most important actors, and the path forward. It explains:

  • why climate change matters
  • the key issues in climate politics
  • the international community’s climate goals
  • EU climate law and policy

The primer also suggests progressive principles for strengthening climate change action.


FEPS study presented at the Annual Political Dialogue 2024

11-12 July – Slovenia – Organised by the European Commission

 FEPS study presented at the Annual Political Dialogue 2024

The Annual Political Dialogue 2024 – Initiative for coal regions in transition, invited stakeholders from all EU coal, peat, lignite and oil shale regions, including European Commission VP Maroš Šefčovič.


Milan Petit, member of the research team from project SEER, participated to present the policy study he co-authored, ‘Expected labour market effects of the Green Deal Industrial Plan. The study assesses the effectiveness of complementing the GDIP with labour market policies in Just Transition regions, highlighting the challenges of labour shortages and structural unemployment.


Two publications on this topic are set to be released in the coming months. Stay tuned!


In light of the adoption of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, join us at the Progressive Migration Group (PMG) conference to address the complexities of EU migration and asylum management and policies in African countries.


Register to discuss with migration experts from Europe and Africa the New Pact’s implications for Africa and the necessity of developing a migrant-centred approach.


Can’t wait? Read the PMG’s key findings and policy recommendations: 


Fighting the far right

FEPS training at the YES Summer Camp

25 July – Portugal – Organised by YES, S&D Group and PES


FEPS will host two training sessions for the participants of the Young European Socialists‘ Summer Camp:

  • Workshop ‘Roll up your sleeves and come fight the far right!’ 
  • Workshop ‘Exposing gendered, racialised, and heteronormative stereotypes in far-right hate speech‘.
Fighting the far-right - FEPS Training Session during YES Summer Camp 2024
Digital regulatory power but technology taker


Europe’s Digital Strategy for the new EU cycle

10 July – FEPS HQ

The EU is a world-leading digital regulatory power, but it remains a technology taker. What should be next in European digital policy?


This is what we discussed during an expert roundtable with key policymakers, including MEPs from the S&D Group, Alex Agius Saliba and Birgit Sippel. We also presented our latest policy brief, ‘Digital regulatory power but technology taker, which argues that rules are insufficient to create a value-led technological ecosystem. Europe should instead build its own capacity for a digital ecosystem and not rely on the harmful extraction of personal data, as is the case under the surveillance capitalist model of Big Tech companies.


This policy brief precedes a more in-depth policy study co-authored with high-level experts in digital and innovation policy, such as Francesca Bria, Johnny Ryan and others. Stay tuned!



Reporting for a stronger economy

With Iain Begg and László Andor


🎧 Listen to this podcast on Spotify | Apple Podcast | Website 

Listen to the podcast 'Reporting for a stronger economy'

The internal market and competitiveness have been focal topics within the EU following the release of ‘More than a Single Market’ by Enrico Letta and the upcoming report by Mario Draghi.


Professor Iain Begg (European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science) shares his views about these two reports in the face of the new upcoming EU legislative cycle.

The Progressive Post
Less is more: time to re-purpose the European Political Community?


Less is more: time to re-purpose the European Political Community?

By Florent Marciacq, Director of the Observatoire des Balkans at the Fondation Jean-Jaurès in Paris

Two years have passed since Emmanuel Macron proposed establishing a European Political Community (EPC). Yet the idea, promising as it was, remains fraught with strategic inconsistencies. The fourth and fifth summits of the EPC, hosted by the United Kingdom on 18 July and Hungary on 7 November, will be a call on re-assessing the EPC’s raison d’être and ambitions. What a progressive Europe needs today, is not another catch-all potpourri of summit diplomacy, it is the cohesive and pioneering engagement of a (smaller) group of states putting their weight in reaffirming the fundamentals of Europe’s security order. 

Read more

Photo credits: Pool PEUE/ Villar López

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Foundation for European Progressive Studies
Avenue des Arts, 46 – 1000 Bruxelles

+32 223 46 900 – info@feps-europe.eu

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  • cover book

    FEPS Newsletter 19 July 2024 – 🌱 Just transition & the social agenda Progressive Post

FEPS Newsletter 19 July 2024 – 🌱 Just transition & the social agenda

  • cover book

    FEPS Newsletter 19 July 2024 – 🌱 Just transition & the social agenda Progressive Post

FEPS Newsletter 19 July 2024 – 🌱 Just transition & the social agenda

  • cover book

    FEPS Newsletter 19 July 2024 – 🌱 Just transition & the social agenda Progressive Post

FEPS Newsletter 19 July 2024 – 🌱 Just transition & the social agenda

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