Assistant Professor of Political Science, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University

Ana Chupeska, holds Master of Science in IR and PhD in Political Science. As Professor at Political Science Department (“Iustinianus Primus” Law Faculty, University Ss. Cirilys and Methodious – North Macedonia) she teaches several subjects ; there she is also the Head of Political Science Master Collegium. Ana is a member of the editorial boards of academic Journals “Iustinianus Primus Law Review” and “Macedonian Contemporary Defense” (Ministry of Defense – Republic of North Macedonia ), as well as, of FES Journal “Challenges”. She is a President of NGO Transparency Macedonia and a Vice President of Macedonian Political Science Association. Ana Chupeska is also member of the Greek-North Macedonian Joint Interdisciplinary Committee of Experts on historical, archaeological and educational issues related to the Prespa’s Agreement

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Progressive Yearbook 2023

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Rethinking, retooling and re-energising gender equality post covid-19

Is gender mainstreaming a reality in social democratic parties in the Western Balkans?

Catalonia: the speech by Miquel Iceta

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FEPS HQ, Brussels

Progressive Yearbook launch 2023

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Progressive Yearbook 2023

Looking back to look ahead

Progressive Yearbook launch 2023