Social Rights Monitor 2020

FEPS and Solidar’s 2020 edition of the Social Rights Monitor provides an insight into the state […]

Policy Study


FEPS and Solidar’s 2020 edition of the Social Rights Monitor provides an insight into the state of social rights in different European countries. The second edition of this flagship publication will complement the European Semester’s indicators with insights on the state of social rights and civic space across 17 countries in Europe, based on observations from civil society as well as official statistics.

The 2020 edition of Social Rights Monitor reports on 14 European Union members – Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Spain and the Netherlands; two candidate countries – Serbia and North Macedonia; and one member that left the EU in 2020, the United Kingdom. In each of those countries, a SOLIDAR member or partner set up a National Strategy Group. These groups pool the expertise of civil society organisations, academics and experts to assess the state of social Europe from the ground, in terms of equality of opportunities, fair working conditions, social protection, inclusion and civic space.

The report combines their findings with quantitative and qualitative research and analyses to what extent these aspects are reflected in the Country Specific Recommendations of the European Semester. As the Semester process was merged with the Recovery and Resilience Plans, it is of utmost importance that the Recommendations include perspectives on social rights, in order to guide Member States towards a socially sustainable recovery from the Covid-19 crisis.

Read the publication: Social Rights Monitor 2020

The report is available in other languages here.

The 2020 Monitor is complemented by the European Trends of the Social Rights Monitor 2020 which has been discussed during the annual conference “Joining Forces for a socially sustainable post-Covid Europe”. This report is part of a series of 18 reports in total and compiles data from all 17 countries to give an overview at European level.

Read the publication of the European Trends  /  Presentation of the European Trends 2020

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