Towards an individual right to adult learning for all Europeans

Rising unemployment and acceleration of the transitions already at work in the labour market are […]

Policy Study


Rising unemployment and acceleration of the transitions already at work in the labour market are having widespread consequences on individuals, their jobs and their competences. Whether people need to maintain their skills throughout the crisis, reskill to find a job in an in-demand sector, or take advantage of short-time work to upskill and increase their employability, adopting a life cycle approach to learning has never been more relevant.

The FEPS – Institut Jacques Delors report ‘Towards an Individual right to Adult Learning to all Europeans‘ by Sofia Fernandes and Klervi Kerneis looks at the current state of adult learning in the EU and calls for a European initiative to foster the creation of an individual right to adult learning in each member state through the establishment of individual learning accounts (ILAs) according to European guidelines.

Policy Study EN /  FR

Policy Brief EN / FR

Infographic E/ FR

Well-designed ILAs could increase the coverage and inclusiveness of the EU’s adult learning systems, contribute to improving their relevance and quality, and promote lifelong guidance. Forming just one piece of the puzzle within the wider adult learning ecosystem, ILAs would create synergies with existing programmes and funds for adult learning and fully engage all relevant stakeholders. This report also stresses the importance of protecting the rights of mobile workers and thus suggests that ILAs at member state level should pave the way towards a future European Individual Learning Account.

With the coming European Commission’s Action Plan on the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and initiative for individual learning accounts, this report aims to feed the discussion on individual training entitlements so that decisive action can be taken at European level to ensure EU citizens are resilient and fit to take full advantage of the transitions and massive labour market changes coming our way.

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