Policy Study


In view of the ecological and digital transformations, with the prospect of a long-lasting and traumatic Covid-19 pandemic, CEPS and partners have put forward a task force to step up the European thinking and efforts towards the development of a sound industrial strategy fit for Europe.

The task force included ten working groups. FEPS contributed to the one on Jobs & Skills in order to identify the best way to design a job-rich recovery. This first report The New Industrial Strategy for Europe: Towards a resilient and sustainable post-pandemic recovery brings together the preliminary results of all working groups discussions and presents an ambitious work programme including policy recommendations in different policy fields.

The report contains the main findings of the task force on industrial policy and its implications for trade, digital, investment, employment, climate policy, and more.

Part 1 presents general recommendations that emerged during working group meetings, with invited external speakers that numbered academics, NGOs and policymakers, including several European Commission representatives from a variety of Directorate Generals, which took place during the first half of 2021. Part 2 displays the main recommendations from each of the working groups.

The report dedicated to the working group on Jobs and skills will be published soon.

Read the Report

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