Digital regulatory power but technology taker

How do we create an ecosystem for the European digital model

Policy Brief


Over the last European legislative periods, the EU has gained a reputation as the world’s leading regulatory power on technology and private data. In the new legislative period, the EU should focus on ensuring that the regulations it has produced are applied and enforced.

This policy brief argues that rules are, in fact, not enough to create a value-led technological ecosystem and a European digital model. Investing in digital public infrastructure is crucial to avoid relying on private infrastructure for our essential services.

Moreover, capacity building for intermediation and interoperability will allow us to work towards using and sharing data that align with European values and not rely on the harmful extraction of private data, as is the case under the surveillance capitalist model currently used worldwide.

This policy brief follows a discussion at a review meeting with digital policy experts at FEPS in September 2023 and a conference in the European Parliament in December 2023 on ‘Shaping Europe’s digital model‘, where more than 30 speakers contributed to the discussion. This Policy Brief builds on their input and expertise.

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