Global Policy Dialogue

Addressing the triple planetary crisis through improved global governance

Policy Brief


On January 19-20, 2023, FEPS, Plataforma CIPÓ, Global Governance Innovation Network, Stimson Center, Global Challenges Foundation and Heinrich Böll Foundation hosted the “Global Policy Dialogue: Addressing the triple planetary crisis through improved global governance“.

The event, which took place in Recife, brought together a select, yet diverse group from UN Missions and the Secretariat, think tanks, universities, the private sector, and other civil society organisations to discuss solutions for addressing the intersection between climate change, biodiversity and nature loss, and pollution and waste.

This report summarises the ideas and policy proposals generated at this GPD across four broad themes: Just transition and sustainable development and trade; Balancing the COP agenda: Climate adaptation and loss and damage; Climate, gender and human rights; and Biodiversity and climate governance.

Policy recommendations raised at the GPD – attended by 53 select diplomats, researchers, and experts from the UN Secretariat, think tanks, universities, international organisations and civil society – include:

  • Reforming the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Bretton Woods Institutions to boost their ability to regulate and enforce strict social-environmental criteria in trade and finance flows, as well as enhance the latter’s capacity to provide climate financing, not only for mitigation but also for climate adaptation and loss and damage;
  • Developing a strategic plan – led by the Global South – containing a collective vision on climate adaptation and loss and damage to provide clarity on key concepts, needs and criteria, as well as serve as a basis for international cooperation initiatives based on common priorities for developing nations;
  • Promoting and disseminating research and data on how the triple planetary crisis affects people differently, acknowledging intersectionality – different aspects of harm and discrimination and how they amplify the negative and unequal impacts of the Triple Planetary Crisis;
  • Creating greater synergies between the “Rio ‘92 Conventions”: the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
  • Making use of the consecutive presidencies of the G20 by developing nations (India, Brazil and South Africa) to enhance the synergies between the G20, Bretton Woods Institutions and other key global governance structures to strengthen the climate and biodiversity agenda, especially with regards to global south priorities such as greater finance for adaptation, halting and reversing biodiversity loss and loss and damage.

Photo credits: Plataforma CIPÓ

Global Challenges Foundation
Global Governance Innovation Network
Heinrich Böll Foundation
Plataforma CIPÓ
The Stimson Center
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