Fiscal Rules

Among the different actions taken by the European Commission in the aftermath of the pandemic, the suspension of the fiscal rules may represent a change as big and as relevant as the much more acclaimed Next Generation EU. Several governments have already hinted that they don’t wish to go back to the same rules, once – in 2023 – the economic outlook recovers. Then, what is the way to go? Which rules need adapting?

What is the strategy to attain meaningful changes to the E(M)U economic governance?

FEPS intends to kick off a debate that is likely going to be with us for quite some time, as it touches the core of the EU’s economic integration and the level of trust between member states. It is a tough nut to crack!


Among the different actions taken by the European Commission in the aftermath of the pandemic, the suspension of the fiscal rules may represent a change as big and as relevant as the much more acclaimed Next Generation EU. Several governments have already hinted that they don’t wish to go back to the same rules, once – in 2023 – the economic outlook recovers. Then, what is the way to go? Which rules need adapting?

What is the strategy to attain meaningful changes to the E(M)U economic governance?

FEPS intends to kick off a debate that is likely going to be with us for quite some time, as it touches the core of the EU’s economic integration and the level of trust between member states. It is a tough nut to crack!

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