Just Transition Beyond 2024

Evaluating progress and future directions of the Just Transition process

12:00 - 16:00
Budapest, Hungary (Expert meeting)
Just Transition Beyond 2024

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Building on the strong collaboration between FEPS, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), the CEE Bankwatch Network, and Solidar, this expert meeting on Just Transition Beyond 2024 – Evaluating progress and future directions of the Just Transition process will bring together civil society activists, scholars, trade unions and policy-makers from both European and local levels to discuss the present and future of the EU Just Transition agenda and its relevance for local communities.

Specifically, the expert meeting will consist of two roundtables: 

1) The Just Transition in practice: Evaluating progress, expectations and tools for local impact

2) Looking ahead – Shaping the future future of EU Just Transition Funding

Among others, the expert meeting will benefit from the inputs of:

This event is by invitation only and will be held under Chatham House rule; should you be interested in having more information, please reach out to Luis Sáez Jiménez, FEPS project officer (luis.saez@feps-europe.eu)

CEE Bankwatch Network
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