FEPS Newsletter 14 Oct 2024 – 🤖 Computer in command: AI at the workplace

Forging the new EU agenda –

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Ai at the workplace

As EU institutions shape the priorities for the next five years, it is essential that policymakers, trade unions, and experts collaborate to protect workers’ rights from the risks posed by algorithmic management and AI. Join us this week as we continue shaping the EU agenda and present our most recent work in this field.

Computer in command


Computer in command

Do the consequences of algorithmic management for workers require EU policy action?

16 October – At the European Economic and Social Committee (Hybrid) – In collaboration with EESC Workers’ Group

Join us online or in person for an engaging debate on the increasing impact of AI and algorithmic management at work and potential EU policy action in this area.

The renowned speakers will include Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights; S&D MEP Brando Benifei; Lucie Studnicná, president of the EESC Workers’ Group; and Isabelle Schömann, deputy general secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, among many others.


We will unveil key findings from the research ‘Computer in command: Consequences of algorithmic management for workers, based on a survey of over 6,000 union members in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland.


You are still on time to join us!

Computer in command: Consequences of algorithmic management for workers

ℹ️ On the same topic, the video of the recent event in Helsinki is available here!

Launch of the FEPS Primer book on digital by Ivana Bartoletti


A Digital Union based on European values

15 October – Brussels 

Join us also for the launch of the FEPS Primer book ‘A Digital Union based on European values’ with its author, Ivana Bartoletti. 


The book provides insights into how digital policy has been made at the EU level, outlining the main tools, key actors and the path forward. It equips progressives with a clear compass to navigate a world increasingly shaped by AI and digital platforms. These issues will be discussed in depth during the launch.


The book is part of the FEPS Primer series, designed with an educational purpose to help new audiences enter specific European thematic fields.

A Digital Union Based on European Values

🎧 Can’t wait? Ivana Bartoletti was also interviewed in the latest episode of FEPS Talks podcast, where she discussed the evolution of the digital ecosystem and how foundational models are transforming our world. Listen to it on Spotify, Apple podcast, our website or watch it on Youtube!


Upcoming events

See full schedule

Call to Europe – A free Hungary in a stronger Europe

📅  25-26 OCTOBER


Call to Europe – A free Hungary in a stronger Europe

As Hungary takes the helm of the European Union presidency, a unique opportunity arises to reignite the flame of unity and progressivism within the nation and across the continent. Under the motto “A free Hungary in a stronger Europe”, this edition of Call to Europe touches upon issues including climate and the just transition, industrial renewal, public services, quality housing, gender and equality.  Join us! 

Beyond the Border -  The Implications of Brexit for the island of Ireland

📅  16-17 OCTOBER


Beyond the border 

The implications of Brexit for the island of Ireland

Join us for the launch of two policy studies on the future of Northern Ireland (NI). These studies provide valuable insights into NI political dynamics, the views of diverse political stakeholders on post-Brexit agreements, including the Windsor Framework Agreement, strategies to enhance the political and socio-economic landscape, and the EU’s role as a guarantor of peace. Register here. 

State of the Unions




State of the Unions

The US election: Implications for the US, for the EU and global politics

Two days after the US elections, this event will provide a pivotal forum to analyse the elections’ outcomes, offering a timely opportunity to delve into the evolving dynamics of US domestic politics, and their ripple effects on the transatlantic relationship.


With leaders and experts from both sides of the Atlantic, we will explore how the election results will shape US-EU relations but also the global geopolitical landscape. Find out more.

Progressive Post


Palestine and Israel’s cycle of tragedy

Article by Hana Jalloul Muro, MEP S&D, Secretary for International Policy and Development Cooperation of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) and Vice-President of the Socialist International

Read 'Palestine and Israel’s cycle of tragedy'

One year after Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel and the beginning of the ensuing Israeli military offensive in Gaza, over 41,000 Palestinians and 1,200 Israelis are dead. For decades, the Palestinians’ tragedy has been left to fester, with little meaningful international action to end their suffering and bring about a just solution. Read more.

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Foundation for European Progressive Studies
Avenue des Arts, 46 – 1000 Bruxelles

+32 223 46 900 – info@feps-europe.eu

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