‘A long path to return for Social Democracy – Lessons from Sweden’ Flickr album

Photo album of the ‘A long path to return for Social Democracy – Lessons from […]


Photo album of the ‘A long path to return for Social Democracy – Lessons from Sweden‘ event in the European Parliament.

FEPS and KarlRenner-Institut organised the fifth iteration of the Next Left Lecture. Hosted by Sofie Eriksson MEP, the lecture ‘A Long Path to return for Social Democracy – Lessons from Sweden‘, presented by Prof. Jenny Andersson, CNRS fellow and researcher at the Centre d’études européennes at Sciences Po, who will offer some very important insights into Swedish social democracy in the 21st century.

The Lectures form an integral part of the Next Left Research Programme (est. 2009) and ever since they were introduced as an innovation in 2022, they are considered to be the significant moment during which the newest findings deriving from the research of the top European academics are presented in exclusive closed-door sessions to leading European policymakers. Notable lecturers in this series include Professor Tarik Abou-Chadi, Lord (Roger) Liddle, and Professor Daphne Halikopoulou. In the new 2024 cycle, we have had the honor of hosting Professor Simon Hix, with the second iteration featuring Professor Jenny Andersson.

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