Becoming less dependent on Big Tech with Cecilia Rikap

🔊📺 Available on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Podcast Now that the transatlantic alliance has come […]

🔊📺 Available on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Podcast

Now that the transatlantic alliance has come under pressure with actions and statements of the Trump administration, it becomes ever more urgent to address the issue of the EU’s reliance on US tech for its essential digital infrastructure. 80% of our technology is provided by foreign actors.

That is why in this episode of FEPS Talks our guest Cecilia Rikap, Head of Research of the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP), is interviewed by digital policy analyst Gerard Rinse Oosterwijk on her report – Reclaiming digital sovereignty: A roadmap to build a digital stack for people and the planet. What does it mean for Europe if tech oligarchs own the platforms that are the digital infrastructure that provides citizens with information? But more importantly, how do we get out of this situation and start building our capacity? We look at what a European tech stack in line with our values, the aims of the green transition and our rules for digital services and markets would look like.

That is the only way to loosen the grip of the Big Tech companies, our society, and provide for the digital infrastructure needed to provide public services like education and health care in the 21st century.

If you want to read more about how Europe can create its own digital model, you can read the Policy Study by FEPS and FES: Time to build a European digital ecosystem.

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Becoming less dependent on Big Tech with Cecilia Rikap

🔊📺 Available on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Podcast Now that the transatlantic alliance has come […]

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A digital union based on EU values with Ivana Bartoletti

 📺 Available on YouTube and Apple Podcast In this episode of our podcast FEPS Talks, […]
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