CSW65 parallel event : Building gender just societies through intergenerational solidarity

17:00 - 19:00
CSW65 parallel event : Building gender just societies through intergenerational solidarity

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Webinar, Wednesday, 17 March, 17:00-19:00 (CET)

Keynote Speech by Asa Regner, UN Women Deputy Executive Director

Hosted by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), UN Women Germany , PES Women and Jean-Jaurès Foundation , this parallel event discussed gender equality from a life-cycle and intersectional perspective.

Under the slogan “From Beijing 1995 to Generation Equality 2021: Building gender just societies through intergenerational solidarity”, the aim of the debate was to foster dialogue between women across generations and solidarity between feminists of all ages in an era where it is key to safeguard and strengthen the acquired rights – which are currently under threat.

We wanted this dialogue between feminist voices from diverse generations and backgrounds to contribute towards creating a new vision for the future and providing sustainable solutions to the current social, health and climate challenges.

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Check all FEPS side events – 65 UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)

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Register to the platform of NGO CSW to take part in the virtual parallel events:

  • Register as an advocate at the NGO CSW65 Forum Advocate: ‘Buy’ (for free) an eventbrite ticket and wait for the confirmation email to sign up
  • Receive a second email that enables access to the platform and to create your advocate profile
  • Discover the agenda of over 650 virtual parallel events & exchange with other participants
  • Sign up for our parallel events: 1) Fair Pay Political Roundtable, 2) Building gender just societies through intergenerational solidarity

!Note that you can only join the NGO CSW virtual parallel events (and use extra features like polls, chat function etc.) by registering as an advocate at the forum.
Good news is that for our event above, you can follow them via Facebook livestream.

Fondation Jean-Jaurès
PES Women
UN Women
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