An EU-wide programme for local jobs initiatives

Online coalition meeting

11:30 - 13:00
Online (Expert meeting)
An EU-wide programme for local jobs initiatives

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This meeting was the occasion to present the results of canvassing and surveying exercises to explore citizens’ preferences towards employment programs. We also focused on the local developments in EU countries that have taken place this year, and we engaged in a lively discussion. 

What is needed now at the local, national and EU levels to achieve job stability for decent conditions? What potential is yet to be tapped? What can we learn from other countries? And what jobs are needed to improve local economies and support communities and beyond?

This meeting was the occasion to present the results of the ‘European perceptions of public programmes for zero unemployment’ policy brief that explores citizens’ preferences towards employment programs. We also focused on the local developments in EU countries that have taken place this year, and we engaged in a lively discussion.

The project put forward the “Zero Unemployment Territories” approach and the idea of local employment initiatives backed by EU financing as one of the potential innovations in employment policy.

Fondazione Pietro Nenni
Our Global Moment
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