Bulgarian Social Democracy on the path to renewal

We organised in Sofia on 24 April a pivotal research discussion event in collaboration with […]

10:00 - 14:00
Sofia, Bulgaria
Grand Hotel Millennium Sofia, Image 89B Vitosha Blvd
Bulgarian Social Democracy on the path to renewal
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We organised in Sofia on 24 April a pivotal research discussion event in collaboration with the Institute For Social Integration (ISI). The event uncovered the preliminary findings of the upcoming policy study ‘Bulgarian social democracy on the path to renewal‘.

We delved into the nuances of social democracy’s resurgence in Eastern Europe, with Bulgaria as the case study. We explored the journey of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) and engaged in insightful deliberations on the centre-left’s renewal across the region. Together with authors and peer reviewers, we analysed the future of social democracy.

It was an opportunity for informed dialogue and progressive discourse.

For more information regarding this event, please do not hesitate to contact Julia Wild, Project Officer (julia.wild@feps-europe.eu).

Institute for Social Integration
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