FEPS Delegation attends T20/C20 Midterm Conference


The T20 Brasil Midterm Conference, from the 1st to the 3rd of July, will convene T20 Brasil members and the larger G20 community for the highlight of this year’s T20 process leading up to the G20 Summit in November and beyond. 

The initiative is committed to strengthening the participation of think tanks and academic institutions in the G20 process in Brasil, disseminating the knowledge produced by the six T20 Brasil Task Forces, promoting expanded dialogue between academic institutions, research entities, and leaders from the G20 Sherpa and Finance tracks, and contributing to the formulation of recommendations made to the official G20 agenda.

FEPS President Maria Joao Rodrigues has been representing FEPS on the T20 Brasil’s International Advisory Council and opened the Midterm Conference on July 3. Watch the intervention below. 

FEPS Project Officer Thaina Leite represented the T01 Working Group during the C20, the global space for civil society organisations and social movements from all over the world – from international NGOs to grassroots local groups – aiming to influence the G20.

FEPS is working closely with the T20 Brasil organising Committee, coordinators, and other members of the T20 Brasil’s International Advisory Council to advocate for a New Global Deal by presenting proposals within its new book “A New Global Deal: reforming world governance“. Together with the Brazilian Presidency of the G20, FEPS, on behalf of the Progressive family, is facilitating and opening dialogue across all continents on the urgent need to reform global governance and policies to address the current global challenges.

Read “A New Global Deal“, part of FEPS ‘UNited for’ flagship project in the thematic area of Europe and the world and devoted to a New Global Deal in 2023 and 2024.

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