FEPS Newsletter 14 June 2024 – EU Elections analysis & Sustainable Energy Week

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Use your vote

The EU Elections 2024 may have concluded, but the analysis has just begun. While progressive voices hold onto their position as the second-largest majority, the rise of the radical right is expected to have an unforeseen impact over the next five years.


FEPS has devoted this week to prepare a special post-election analysis, while we continue working on other fronts. Check it out! 


EU elections: Facing the unpredictable well-known


Special edition of the EPO including analyses from all 27 member states and an outlook of the observations drawn on the EU level. Read more

Priorities for the next EU legislature
Analytical Conference – Progressive Pollsters Network


EU Elections: The expected, the unexpected and the path forward

11 June – Online – In collaboration with Karl-Renner-Institut


In the media


Advancing an Energy Minimum Right

13 June – FEPS HQ (Hybrid) – In collaboration with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)

Advancing an Energy Minimum Right

On the occasion of EU Sustainable Energy Week, we hosted a discussion to explore how and why Energy Minimum Rights (EMRs) emerged in the context of the EU debate around energy access, socioeconomic fairness and the Just Transition. Among the speakers was Professor Raphael Heffron who presented the insight and recommendations from his upcoming publication on the same topic. 

Read 'How can RepowerEU consolidate recovery?'


How can RepowerEU consolidate recovery?

Recovery Watch series

By Franco Tomassoni and Tiago Santos Pereira – In collaboration with FES, Colabor and Institut Emile Vandervelde


This policy study is part of the Recovery Watch series, which monitors the implementation of National Recovery and Resilience Plans.

Analysing the case studies of Denmark, Estonia, France, Portugal, and Spain, the researchers demonstrate that European energy policy still lacks significant cross-border infrastructure investments, as well as the need for further monitoring and evaluation to reach a concept of energy security that puts European resilience at the centre.



Progressive Governance Summit 2024

Progressive security: Championing change in times of uncertainty

21-22 June – Berlin, Germany FEPS is co-organising with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung three forums at the Progressive Governance Summit by Das Progressive Zentrum

Progressive Governance Summit 2024

Join leading international politicians, thinkers and strategists from both sides of the Atlantic at this year’s Progressive Governance Summit.


On this occasion, FEPS and FES will organise three forums: 

  • Europe’s economic security beyond competitiveness: Pushing for social progress in the single market 
  • Multilateral governance for the 21st century: UN reforms and global security
  • New Eastern policy and enlargement: A democratic and capable European Union in a changing geopolitical landscape
The transformative power of economic democracy


The transformative power of economic democracy

Towards democratic practices in public spending, the workplace, urban planning and public services

3 July – EESC, Brussels  In collaboration with the European Economic and Social Committee and the Open Society Foundations

During this event, we will bring together researchers, practitioners, policymakers and activists to discuss approaches and practices to build and scale up economic democracy including: 

  • Democracy in public spending: Spending for people’s well-being 
  • Democracy at the workplace: Sharing power through employee participation and ownership
  • Democratising public services and urban planning: How to make public ownership democratic.

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Foundation for European Progressive Studies
Avenue des Arts, 46 – 1000 Bruxelles

+32 223 46 900 – info@feps-europe.eu

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