Professor of political science at the University of Wroclaw, Visiting researcher at the Université libre de Bruxelles, Member of the Polish State Committee for Science and Titles in Science

Anna PACZEŚNIAK is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Wrocław, where she heads the Department of European Political Processes, specialising in European and Polish politics and comparative analysis of political parties. She has been a member of the FEPS Scientific Council since 2018. From 2011 to 2018, she worked as a lecturer at the Free University of Brussels; from 2016 to 2017, she was a fellow researcher at Wallonia-Brussels International. She is co-author of the following books: Electoral Defeat and Party Change: From Makeover to Retouching (Palgrave 2022), Party organisation and communication in Poland (Palgrave 2021), Comprendre la Pologne. Société, politique et institutions (Harmattan 2016).

Find all publications by Anna PACZESNIAK

The great countdown

A guide on how to arrive prepared for the European elections 2029

Next Left Vol. 15

Progressive Ambition: How to shape Europe in the next decade

Next Left Vol. 14

Crisis and progressive politics: How to make hard choices and succeed?

Towards a social democratic century? 

How European and global social democracy can steer a course through the crises
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Find all Progressive Post by Towards a social democratic century? 
Progressive Post

From major legacy issues to a strong legitimacy for the future – the centre-left in CEE in a search for a true renewal

Calling the situation of the centre-left parties in Central and Eastern Europe ‘difficult’ equals hiding […]

Poland: the post electoral landscape

In Poland, the presidential elections are frequently a turning point: a new beginning, followed by […]

The electoral disgrace of the right-wing government in Poland

In the midst of chaos and in the view of an expected disgrace, the presidential elections were postponed.

Did sexuality education become instrumentalised in Polish politics?

To win Polish presidential elections in May 2020, starting an ideological war on education is not beneficial. PiS faces a dilemma.

Polski Sejm przestaje być krzywym zwie

Teraz na skonsolidowaną lewicę zagłosowało 2,3 mln osób, czyli ponad 12% wyborców, co to z nadwyżką wystarczyło.
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Find all events with Anna PACZESNIAK
12 - 13/05/2023
Warsaw, Poland

Next Left Focus Group

Participation in the IV Congress Forum Postępu
Lisbon, Portugal

Right-wing extremism and our progressive duty to fight it

Next Left conference
Wroclaw, Poland

A year ahead of the general elections: European lessons for Polish social democracy

FEPS, in cooperation with the Ignacy Daszynski Center, organizinged a discussion on the strategy of […]
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Find all audiovisual with Anna PACZESNIAK

Next Left Focus Group

Participation in the IV Congress Forum Postępu

Next Left conference – Right-wing extremism and our progressive duty to fight it