A year ahead of the general elections: European lessons for Polish social democracy

FEPS, in cooperation with the Ignacy Daszynski Center, organizinged a discussion on the strategy of […]

Wroclaw, Poland
A year ahead of the general elections: European lessons for Polish social democracy

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FEPS, in cooperation with the Ignacy Daszynski Center, organizinged a discussion on the strategy of Polish social democracy before next year’s parliamentary elections.

Prof. Anna Pacześniak of the University of Wroclaw, Prof. Rafal Chwedoruk of the University of Warsaw, and Dr. Ania Skrzypek, Director for Research and Training at FEPS, answered questions from Dr Bartosz Rydlinski of the Ignacy Daszynski Center about:

  • the chance of the Polish left to return to power;
  • the most important topics that Polish progressives should address;
  • strategies for breaking the political duopoly of the right wing.

The event has revived media patronage of the weekly magazine Polityka.

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