Models of (s)electing a pan-European Leading candidate

Policy Study


The paper “Models of (s)electing a pan-European leading candidate” was elaborated Ania SKRZYPEK, FEPS Senior Research Fellow, within the Next Left Project of FEPS – Foundation for European Progressive Studies, which has been run for over a year in cooperation and with the support of Renner Institute, Austria.

This particular study was concluded as a research on possible mechanisms of nominating, selecting and deciding on who and how could become so called “top candidate” for the next European elections. The concrete setting that was chosen for explorations was PES – Party of European Socialists, which political resolutions and statutory solutions were examined.
What is important to underline is that the paper provides simplified models, analysing eventual impacts of one or another method, without an ambition to recommend any strategy in particular. Choice of the most feasible one is a decision of a political nature and hence can only be taken by the political actors within the PES.

The motivation to present the paper is to fulfil the FEPS core mission, which is to initiate and enhance the debate on the European issue. This is why, the crucial questions that this study points out as the one that needs exploration are the ones on the future of the participatory democracy, evolution and perspectives for the party political system and the understanding of what citizenship means on the EU level. And this debate will be continued within FEPS and its broad network of academics, researchers and experts.

1. Introduction

1.1 Why to have a top candidate in the EU elections?
1.2 What is to be considered, why selecting a method?

2. How can a top candidate be nominated?
2.1 PES President
2.2 PES Presidency and PES Presidency Nominating Committee
2.3 PES Leaders
2.4 PES Member Parties / Organizations
2.5 PES activists
2.6 PES Primaries

3. (S)electing a candidate
3.1 PES Presidency
3.2 PES Leaders
3.3 PES Member Parties – PES Council / Congress
3.4 PES activists
3.5 PES Primaries

4. Deciding on a candidate

5. Conclusions


Karl Renner Institut
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