18:00 - 19:15
Liverpool, UK
Maritime Museum
The Future for the UK and Europe under a Labour Government

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Following the UK Labour Party’s emphatic 2024 General Election victory, prospects for a stronger EU-UK relationship appear promising. Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer’s recent hosting of the European Political Community summit and frequent visits to EU countries signal a potential reset in UK-EU relations.

Key areas for cooperation include security and defence, with ongoing support for Ukraine and NATO. Discussions about a possible EU-UK Security Pact in 2025 reflect a readiness for close collaboration. Labour is also seeking progress on migration coordination, climate measures, and trade, including easing border checks and mutual recognition of qualifications. Other issues like musician mobility, a veterinary agreement, and regulatory membership are also on the agenda.

While the UK government has ruled out customs union or single market access and is cautious about youth mobility, opportunities for closer ties remain.

To explore these themes, FEPS, together with the Fabian Society and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung UK & Ireland Office, will host a fringe event at the Labour Party Conference 2024 on Sunday, 22 September, from 6pm to 7:15pm. 

For more information, please contact Céline Guedes, Project Officer FEPS (celine.guedes@feps-europe.eu).

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