Covid-19 crisis

Implications and lessons for European social democracy

Policy Study


The studyCovid-19 crisis: implications and lessons for European social democracy‘ is the summary of the outcomes of a two-year-long joint project, which FEPS and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) conducted with the initial support of Istituto Cattaneo in Bologna, and then successfully concluded with the invaluable help of Kieskompas in Amsterdam.

In late spring 2020, we wanted to investigate the change in attitudes of the citizens within 6 EU member states during and after the COVID pandemic. To do so, there were two waves of surveys that captured the opinions of European citizens in two respective moments (December 2020/January 2021 and October/November 2021). The questionnaires used in both waves contained largely overlapping questions, allowing for an over-time comparison of public opinion on various socioeconomic issues.

The two waves of surveys saw over 6000 people participating in six countries: France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, and Sweden. The results were then analysed accordingly to 13 sociodemographic categories and 63 thematic questions. Thanks to cross-tabulations and analyses of the overlap of the vote propensity, it was possible to extract very specific answers regarding the trends among diverse groups.

The subsequently drafted conclusions were evaluated by FES regional offices, as well as by some of FEPS’ member foundations: Centrum im. Ignacego Daszynskiego, Olaf Palme Center, Fundación Pablo Iglesias and Fundació Rafael Campalans.

The results of the surveys were further discussed at round tables involving 250 politicians, academics and civil society actors. This jointly makes the robust material of 7 reports unique in its richness and representativity. The study is also available in German.

Covid-19 crisis: Implications and lessons for European social democracy – France

In France, the data indicates many different and often polarised opinions. The French public is growing increasingly critical of their government, has a relatively low degree of institutional trust, is divided regarding their country’s membership in the EU, believes that immigrants are a benefit to society and are concerned about climate change

You can read this policy study in German here.

Covid-19 crisis: Implications and lessons for European social democracy – Germany

In Germany, the data indicates that even though there are many different and often polarised opinions among the German electorate, the majority of German citizens are politically moderate, have relatively high confidence in their government, have a high degree of institutional trust, support their country’s membership in the EU, believe that immigrants are a benefit to society and are concerned about climate change

You can read this policy study in German here.

Covid-19 crisis: Implications and lessons for European social democracy – Italy

In Italy, the data indicates many different, often polarised, opinions. The Italian public is largely supportive of the pandemic mitigation measures. However, Italians have a relatively low degree of institutional trust, and less than half of Italian citizens consider their country’s EU membership to be a good thing. Nevertheless, most respondents, especially younger generation cohorts, believe immigrants are a benefit to society and are concerned about climate change.

You can read this policy study in German here.

Covid-19 crisis: Implications and lessons for European social democracy – Poland

In Poland, the data indicate many different, often polarised, opinions. The country is more polarised than other European states: the government and opposition supporters hold diametrically opposed views and values. Nevertheless, when it comes to issues such as climate change and immigration, respondents are more concerned and permissive than is often reported in the news.

You can read this policy study in German here.

Covid-19 crisis: Implications and lessons for European social democracy – Spain

The Spanish dataset points out that even though there are many different, often polarised, opinions, the majority of Spanish citizens are politically moderate, have relatively high confidence in their government, have a high degree of institutional trust, support their country’s membership in the EU, believe that immigrants are a benefit to society and are concerned about climate change

You can read this policy study in German here.

Covid-19 crisis: Implications and lessons for European social democracy – Sweden

In Sweden, the data indicates that even though there are many different and often polarised opinions, the majority of Swedish citizens are politically moderate, have relatively high confidence in their government, have a high degree of institutional trust, believe that immigrants are a benefit to society and are concerned about climate change. Nevertheless, a substantial group of respondents is opposed to the country’s membership in the EU.

You can read this policy study in German here.

We presented these studies on 16 May during a round table at FEPS HQ.

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