Improving territorial justice

Transparency, inclusiveness, capacity building and strategy in the Territorial Just Transition Plans

Policy Brief


Territorial Just Transition Plans (TJTPs) define the territories in which the Just Transition Fund will be used. The identification of these territories is carried out through a dialogue with the EU Commission. These plans set out the challenges in each territory, as well as the development needs and objectives to be met by 2030. They identify the types of operations envisaged and specify governance mechanisms. The approval of the Territorial Just Transition Plans opens the doors to dedicated financing under the other two pillars of the Just Transition Mechanism. 

The EU has set the goal of achieving a just transition in which no one gets left behind. To achieve this objective, member states have created Territorial Just Transition Plans, which lay out the transition processes in regions that need support during the transition to a carbon-neutral economy.

This policy brief showcases the lessons learnt from the TJTP process that can and should further inform and improve other ongoing and future transition processes. It does so by exploring four key areas of interest that are crucial in ensuring effective transition processes, as well as procedural and distributive justice: transparency; inclusiveness; capacity building; and strategy.

FEPS would like to thank and acknowledge all those that participated in the organisation and knowledge gathering at the Territorial Just Transition Plans Stakeholder Meeting on 30 November 2022, and contributed to this policy brief: Andrea Casamenti, Jens Hunsbeth Schreuder, Katie Treadwell, Lorenzo Manca, Mags Bird, Miłosława Stępień, Namita Kambli, Paul Baker and Reghina Dimitrisina.

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